About Nemocean

We bring together a team of experts in the field of Deep Ocean Water Harvesting; covering everything along the supply chain from pumping and desalination to bottling and distribution.

Deep Ocean Water exists below the thermocline and is isolated from air and sunlight. The water is full of nutrients and minerals and once desalinated, is perfect for human consumption. Free from bacteria and other pollutants, the water can be stored for extreme periods of time without additional chemicals or preservatives.

Our Services

We provide full turnkey solutions for the Deep Ocean Water industry.


Proprietary pipeline and pumping technology


Full ship management


Reverse Osmosis Desalination Technology


Bottling Plant Construction


Containerised Supply Chain


Packaging and Distribution

Premium Water Bottling

The global bottled water market was estimated to be worth $169.8 billion in 2015 and is expected to hit $319.8 billion by 2022.

Deep Ocean Water can be branded and sold as a premium drinking water that is extremely high quality and can compete easily with other major brands. The bottled water market is huge and increasing every year.

Emergency Water

In case of natural disasters the distribution of safe water to citizen is always a huge challenge.

Complete, movable water bottled production containers should be positioned at the water depots.

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